Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 2, Wednesday - A difficult day

A difficult day today - death of two patients in the children's ward. One patient was a baby under a year old who died of meningitis of unknown etiology (there are no cultures to direct proper therapy), and one patient was an adolescent who died of Burkett's Lymphoma (abdominal pain and then respiratory distress of unknown etiology, possibly sepsis). Pretty heavy to have deaths of two children in one day, especially because these kids would most likely have survived had they been in the US.

The pediatrician in our group went to the funeral of the baby who died. The family did not have enough money to take the child back to their hometown, so the child was wrapped in a colorful blanket, and, after paying the burial fee, was placed in a grave in a banana grove behind the market. The buerial took place within about an hour of his death.

On a lighter note, many patients have actually been doing quite well. We have discharged a good number of people feeling a whole lot better than when they came in, so I'm encouraged by that.

I'll put up a couple of more pictures.



  1. Very sad that two children died today especially hard to know they didn't have access to resources that might have helped.
    It's good to hear that there is so much improvement for so many.
    Nice view from you back yard.
    Ed O

  2. Hey Karen,

    Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you. Sorry to hear about the two kids. It sounds like you have your hands full with little access to modern medicine.
    We will be sure to take care of Ed next weekend in the Burgh. Love the photos. Keep us posted.

    Andy, Michelle, Harrison, and #2
